Social Inbox

Connect Facebook and Instagram


Important: To connect your Facebook and Instagram pages to your Social Inbox, make sure that both these pages are connected to the Meta Business Suite (previously known as Business Manager).

Without the pages being connected to the Meta Business Suite, you won't be able to connect them to the Social Inbox. If you don't know how to do it, visit Meta Business Suite and follow the step by step instructions.

Now that we have connected your Facebook and Instagram pages to the Meta Business Suite, let's connect them to your Social Inbox account.

Here is how to connect your Facebook and Instagram pages to your Social Inbox account.

  1. Click on the settings icon next to CHANNELS.
  2. Here you can see "Click to connect Facebook and Instagram" button. Click the button to log in and connect your Facebook pages to the Serviceform platform.
  3. Once you log in through Facebook and connect your account, you will see a list of pages that you're an admin of. You can enable and disable which page messages you would like to send/ receive through the Serviceform platform.
  4. And that's it! now you have connected your Facebook and Instagram with the Serviceform social inbox! You will start receiving messages and comments from your users.