To create and configure the email notification on your form, open the Emails tab on the top banner of your form.

A preset will pop, where you can configure the email you'll like to send.

Email name * - Name of the email for internal usage, this will not be shown to the user.
Send this email always - Turn on/off depending on if you want to send this email always, if you want to trigger different emails depending on the options of the form, continue reading.
Email subject * - Subject of the email that will be sent.
From email - Normally it ads the email from the Serviceform account that you are loged in, but you can use another email if wanted.
Email sender - the name of the sender (eg. company name).
To email - To whom do you want to send the email? Use #customerEmail to send it to the user after they fill their data on the form.
Email body - write the content of your email.
You can use these tokens (the form gets this from the answer user gives):
- #customerName - Name introduced by the user in the form;
- #customerEmail - Email introduced by the user in the form;
- #customerPhone - Phone Name introduced by the user in the form;
- #customerLastName - Last Name introduced by the user in the form;
- #q0o1 - will use the response from a particular question and option selected by the user in the form;
- #results - it will load all the responses from each submission
Email attachments - attach any file that you'd like to send in the email
After you finished, don't forget to save the email by clicking on 'Create email'

To send different emails, depending on the options the user selected in your form, you'll need a Select One or a Multiselect type of question.
Open the 'Settings' and on Conditional emails' select the email you want to send on that option.

Note: You need to have configured the email previously on the Email tab, or you can click on 'Open email preset manager'