Question settings
The available settings for a statement type of question are the following:
- Always jump to:
- Choose from the dropdown menu the next question to be shown after the current statement.
- How long to wait for:
- Choose the appropriate wait time from the dropdown menu. This determines how long the current statement will be shown, before jumping to the next question.
- Custom Javascript:
- The javascript will be run after writing an answer. Use with care as JavaScript errors will break.
The available settings for a text question type are the following:
- Always jump to:
- Choose from the dropdown menu the next question to be shown after the current text question.
- How long to wait for:
- Choose the appropriate wait time from the dropdown menu. This determines how long the current statement will be shown after the question is submitted, before jumping to the next question.
To ask a question, change the text inside the Label text box. To give an example of an answer, write in the 'Placeholder text' box. The placeholder text is optional and can be left empty.
To make sure you get an answer to your question you can toggle on the 'Required' button. This will ensure that the client adds an answer before the flow continues. For a more specific type of answer, you can use the 'Choose validation' dropdown and choose a validation method suited for your question.
Asking one question brings up a box as presented in the image below
By pressing '+ Add option', it is possible to ask multiple questions at the same time. This will alter the outcome in the bot as follows.
To remove an option, simply press the trash can in the top-right corner of the option box.
The available settings for a Select one question type are the following:
- Always jump to:
- Choose from the dropdown menu the next question to be shown after the customer has chosen an option.
- How long to wait for:
- Choose the appropriate wait time from the dropdown menu. This determines how long the current question will be shown after the continue button is pressed.
The multiple options can be presented in different formats.
- 'Select one' offers the client a possibility to choose between the given options. Clicking on one of the options will result in a logic jump. More on those in the next section.
- 'Select multiple' offers the opportunity of choosing one or more options. The flow will not continue until the continue button is pressed.
- 'Dropdown list' is a handy way of cleaning up the chatbot if you have many different options. The flow will not continue until the continue button is pressed.
With the advanced settings offer more functionalities to add to your select one -questions.
The first section is livechat-based and allows a livechat notification to be sent when clicked on.
To enable a livechat-trigger select the team you want to direct the livechat to.
To enable/disable notifications from the interaction, either choose 'no action' or 'notify team'.
To further determine when this button will be shown, choose the appropriate option from the dropdown-menu.
'No action' will use the same settings found on the configure page.
'Hide if offline' will hide the livechat-trigger button if no livechat-agent is online.
'Hide if online' will hide the livechat-trigger button if a livechat-agent is online.
If you want to add a price for one of your options, add the value here and use it to calculate a total amount at the end of the flow.
To send a copy of the lead to an email, add it here. Want to send a copy to multiple emails? Just separate the emails with a comma and you are good to go.
A hidden property comes in handy when doing integrations. With a token it is easier for the receiving system to identify the correct option to be brought in. This can also be used in the flow by referencing to the token.
For example, you have a list of courses, and each course has a number. If you don’t want to show it to the client but you’ll need it for the integration, you can use this field.
To redirect the user when clicking on an option, add a url where you want to redirect them to. To open a new tab leave the 'Redirect in same tab' off, if you want to redirect them in the same tab, toggle it on.
Use the Search question type to crawl through the website and search for particular keywords. This can be used to search for products, services or questions.
Learn more through our video, in the 'Create a Searchbot', or via this link (opens in a new tab).
The available settings for a Calendar question type are the following:
- Always jump to:
- Choose from the dropdown menu the next question to be shown after the customer has chosen a date, time or both.
- How long to wait for:
- Choose the appropriate wait time from the dropdown menu. This determines how long the Calendar question will be shown after the date/time is submitted by the customer.
We offer four different subtypes for the calendar question.
- Calendar (Day select)
- With this option a calendar is shown for the client and they are able to choose a date depending on the question.
- Time Select
- Sometimes you might need a specific time, this is the perfect option for that.
- Calendar Date and Time
- Need the customer to select both day and time? This option gathers all that information at once.
- Calendly
- Are you using Calendly and want customers to book through it? Instead of re-directing the customer to Calendly, offer them the opportunity of booking directly in the bot with our Calendly-integration.
- To add your Calendly in the bot, simply visit your Calendly profile, copy your personal url and add it in the 'Calendly URL' box!
- Always jump to:
- Choose from the dropdown menu the next question to be shown after the HTML-type of question.
- How long to wait for:
- Choose the appropriate wait time from the dropdown menu. This determines how long the HTML-question will be shown until jumping to the next question in your flow.
Contrary to other question types, the HTML-question will not allow you to write anything in the flow-section itself. All HTML-code must be added in the designated 'HTML content'-section.
- Always jump to:
- Choose from the dropdown menu the next question to be shown after the FAQ-section.
- How long to wait for:
- Choose the appropriate wait time from the dropdown menu. This determines how long the question will be shown after clicking continue, until jumping to the next question in your flow.
- Custom Javascript: The javascript will be run after the customer clicks on the continue button. Use with care as JavaScript errors will break.
The FAQ-section can be used in either the Welcome page, or in the flow with the help of this question type. This is what it looks like in the flow:
This question will allow you to ask your client to upload an image or file.
- Always jump to:
- Choose from the dropdown menu the next question to be shown after the File upload-question.
- How long to wait for:
- Choose the appropriate wait time from the dropdown menu. This determines how long the question will be shown after submitting, or skipping the submission of a image or file.
- Custom Javascript: The javascript will be run after the customer has submitted or skipped submitting a file or image. Use with care as JavaScript errors will break.
- To make submitting a file or image optional, please toggle on or off the 'Requred'-button according to your needs.